Sit back, relax & welcome to the Harrison world

Welcome to the daily happenings of the Harrison Family. It's crazy here, but we have a lot of fun. Mamma is clearly a little out numbered by the male species in the house, but it sure keeps things interesting. In our lives, you'll find lots of bugs, blocks, trucks, loud banging, clanging, running, hurdling off couches and beds, endless amounts of energy, no sleep, laughter from the belly, boo-boos, trips to the dr, walks to the park, did i mention no sleep? We hope you enjoy the ride as much as we do.

Glow Stick Bath

So, this picture doesn't really show how cool it was because i didn't capture it in the dark. oh well. We did, in fact, have all the lights out because of course that's the only way to go with glow sticks. The boys loved their 'techno' bath time and it definitely increased the fun factor. I think we'll be doing this again... and again... and again.

Happy 1st Birthday Brooks!!!!

My sweet, precious, perfect baby turned one today..Oct 25th. Wow... how time flies. I love this little guy to pieces...I think everyone does. He's rarely unhappy and is just a pure bundle of love. Happy Birthday my littlest Love!

Chocolate face Chocolate pants

This is the face of a happy camper. He started slowly but then quickly became the chocolate king. He loved his cupcake and the only remnants left were the crumbs adorning the outside of his diaper.

Halloween fun

look what showed up in Brady and Breck's lunch boxes at school! Cute little mummy juice boxes:) The kids were super excited to tell me about their little visitor! Super easy & fast to make .. a little white electrical tape and some fantastic googly eyes and wallah... Mummies!

We captured our 3 little goblins feet on a sweet little wall hanging... they had fun painting the board and then their feet! Will I still be doing this stuff when their 16, 14, and 12? Might be a bit creepy then.

Texas, our Texas

Another year has rolled by and we are now one more boy strong at the Texas State Fair. This is definitely one of those 'big' events for the kids. They look forward to it throughout the year, especially when we are near the fair grounds and they spot the enormous Tx Star Ferris Wheel! We were all excited about the day ahead and looking forward to all the fun that comes with it. I should have been, but wasn't prepared for the minor debbie downer snags we had at the beginning. Oh well... life with a family of 3 little boys. We rolled with it, soldiered on and ended up having a dandy of a day.

First crying jag

We started off swell.. happy, smiles, great hopes... and then ...meltdown #1. I think it had something to do with having a drink before he ate lunch... whatever it was exactly, Brady was NOT happy and he let us know. Good times, sitting in the Fletcher's tent with a crying 5 year old. Luckily for us, it passed quickly and we carried on like mighty warriors.

The corny dog

Fletcher's is usually my favorite moment of the fair. I normally savor every last morsel of the fabulous corny dog..but this year....damn it.... this year, it just wasn't great! The first crying jag with Brady probably didn't help the situation, but I just can't justify the annoyance of crying for interfering with my taste buds. NO... the dog just wasn't good. Kind of a bummer... but you know what.. the Harrison Clan is resilient and we knew there was more joy to be had if we could just move on and forget the minor let down.

Crying Jag #2

So, we get one boy happy and the next boy loses it. As we pushed Brooks in the stroller and pulled a wagon with Brady and Breck to the lovely sound of screaming muffled by a hunk of corny dog, I thought to myself..."we are THAT family." ... the family with a bunch of kids usually with one or more unhappy and not shy about showing it. I know others around us understood...had been there, but dude.... it's not cool.

And all was right with the world again

Yes, we had a bit of a rough start to the fair this year, but as soon as those dogs made it down the hatch, we were on a mission to locate Big Tex. As soon as Brady's little peepers rested upon the Biggest Texan of all, he was happy...thank goodness. It's funny how bad he wanted to see Big was like the fair wasn't the fair without it!

Having fun...

The midway is where we tend to spend 98% of our time now that the boys are old enough to love all the rides and games. The boys went on the 'haunted house' ride and I'm not so sure it was Breck's favorite, but Brady loved it! Can't believe this still exists because I remember riding this when I was a kid!

The Carnies

Yes, I have an extreme fascination with 'Carnies'. They come in all shapes and sizes and are the most fascinating of people, I do declare. Next year I will be on a serious photo 'carnie' hunt. This year, the prize goes to.... scary little red riding hood carnie with creepy wolf dog. She rocked the house.

Cotton Candy Wrap up

So, all and all it ended up being an enjoyable day and some good memories. We're always pulling out the left over tickets and craning our necks at the end of the fair to see what we can possibly buy so we're not 'wasting' our $. This time, it seemed perfect to end the day with a couple of enormous bags of pure sugar. Cotton Candy is was. The kids had never had it before and Brady kept asking if it was ok to eat the 'hairy' stuff. He did... and he LOVED it.