The day after labor day.... and it's the first day of school for my oldest boys. Brooks decided to dress well for the occasion and wear his red power tie to drop them off in. Why is taking them to PreK so hard for me?? I was on the brink of tears all day yesterday.. and any words spoken of their first day brought the tears spilling over. I just can't understand how time zips by so fast and almost unnoticed at times. I think about that and it and it makes me sick to my stomach, so I really try to live in the present and BE present for the boys. Our house is soooo busy...and soooo loud, but when it's quiet life just doesn't feel right. Brady & Breck go off to school and I dearly miss the "hey mom, I got to tell you sometin"... the "mommmmmy, I need a drink".... the "can you come play with me upstairs"... the "let's do arts and crafts".
It's those words that make me so happy... those little everyday experiences. I'm so thankful for them and will try to slow down even more to drink it all in while I can.
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