Sit back, relax & welcome to the Harrison world

Welcome to the daily happenings of the Harrison Family. It's crazy here, but we have a lot of fun. Mamma is clearly a little out numbered by the male species in the house, but it sure keeps things interesting. In our lives, you'll find lots of bugs, blocks, trucks, loud banging, clanging, running, hurdling off couches and beds, endless amounts of energy, no sleep, laughter from the belly, boo-boos, trips to the dr, walks to the park, did i mention no sleep? We hope you enjoy the ride as much as we do.

October 2012

 OCTOBER!  Once again, we are sooooo busy!  Lots of soccer with Brady and Breck practicing on two different nights and two different game times on the weekend.  They love it though, and so do we.

Brooks turned two on October 25 and we had a fun day at the park followed by a low key family celebration.

Halloween was fun.  This year, we had a Dalmation, a Power Ranger, and a Fisherman.  We did our usual routine by 'treating' on my parents street first and then going to the almighty Dartridge, Halloween street.  I've never seen so much candy. 


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