Sit back, relax & welcome to the Harrison world

Welcome to the daily happenings of the Harrison Family. It's crazy here, but we have a lot of fun. Mamma is clearly a little out numbered by the male species in the house, but it sure keeps things interesting. In our lives, you'll find lots of bugs, blocks, trucks, loud banging, clanging, running, hurdling off couches and beds, endless amounts of energy, no sleep, laughter from the belly, boo-boos, trips to the dr, walks to the park, did i mention no sleep? We hope you enjoy the ride as much as we do.


Another wickedly hot summer day here in Dallas. Kids were out riding their bikes with Brian by 7:45am and were sweating bullets upon arrival home around 9. I decided to sweep our acorn/pecan laden front porch and sidewalk and i nearly passed out after 15 minutes in the SHADE! I'm trying to remember back (Before kids) when Brian and I would get up at the crack of dawn to go running ridiculous amounts of miles ... then bike and then sleep the good part of the day away. Wow.... that sounds sooo relaxing! I'm desperately hoping to claim my 'self' back soon by jumping on the exercise train again soon. Not sure I'll ever get to do the long distance that I've always loved because of arthritic knees, but I've at least signed Brian up for the half marathon in Dec. Anyway, back to today.... The boys are wearing shirts that I loathe, but they love. They were off to see the new Cars movie today and the shirts were a must because they were a gift and Brady/Breck adore them. This was Breck's first experience with a movie theater. Brian said he didn't quite know what to think. The long walk up the dark hallway, opening up into an enormous dark room filled with tiered seats made Breck's head spin. I was told that he spent a good while standing on his seat looking behind him at all the people. I was also told that Breck did lots of ice crunching with his squeaky straw and slurping loudly during the most quiet moments of the movie...apparently Breck needs to master social etiquette if this movie thing is going to continue! Can you imagine if he carries on like this when he is 16 & out on a date with a cute gal?
By 7pm, they were off and running to the pool to spend a couple of hours. I put Brooks to bed and had a quiet house for a while. I told my sister earlier, I'm already mourning the pool closing after labor day because I've got a real good gig going with the boys going out there every night!
speaking of..... i just heard them walk in the door. Time for PJ's and story time. Typical summer day here...I am a lucky girl.


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