Sit back, relax & welcome to the Harrison world

Welcome to the daily happenings of the Harrison Family. It's crazy here, but we have a lot of fun. Mamma is clearly a little out numbered by the male species in the house, but it sure keeps things interesting. In our lives, you'll find lots of bugs, blocks, trucks, loud banging, clanging, running, hurdling off couches and beds, endless amounts of energy, no sleep, laughter from the belly, boo-boos, trips to the dr, walks to the park, did i mention no sleep? We hope you enjoy the ride as much as we do.

Halloween fun

look what showed up in Brady and Breck's lunch boxes at school! Cute little mummy juice boxes:) The kids were super excited to tell me about their little visitor! Super easy & fast to make .. a little white electrical tape and some fantastic googly eyes and wallah... Mummies!

We captured our 3 little goblins feet on a sweet little wall hanging... they had fun painting the board and then their feet! Will I still be doing this stuff when their 16, 14, and 12? Might be a bit creepy then.


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